About Company

About Us

Building the Future

With a focus on sustainability and innovation, we are actively building the future of nickel, Our company is not just a place of work, But a canvas where ideas become real and succeed in becoming masterpieces. that's why PT. RIGEL RESOURCES since 2012 professionally and by bringing an entrepreneurial spirit, We hope to be able to participate in creating employment opportunities so that we can absorb labor so that we can increase economic growth in Indonesia. The business sector that is currently the company's core business is nickel mining.

Vision & Mission

Vision and mission statements are fundamental elements of an organization's strategic planning. Welcome to our journey to achieve an extraordinary future.


To become a leading, trusted, independent mining company, deeply rooted in the community and sustainable in national & multi-national efforts.


Being a model of a superior mining company as an economic driver by prioritizing service to create a peaceful and prosperous quality of life for the community.

The Process

Our Experience

Discover the intricacies of our operational approach, methodologies, and collaborative processes that define the way we deliver excellence in every aspect of our business.

Operating Area

Navigate through the comprehensive overview of our nickel operating region. Discover the specific geographical areas where our nickel-related operations unfold, encompassing mining sites, processing facilities, and key operational zones.

  • Konawe, Indonesia
  • Konawe Utara, Indonesia
  • Konawe Selatan, Indonesia
  • Kolaka Utara, Indonesia
  • Pomalaa, Indonesia
  • Morowali, Indonesia

Corporate Legality

Learn about our licensing, certifications, and adherence to industry standards, reflecting our dedication to upholding legal and ethical standards in all aspects of our business.

  • Akta Pendirian nomor 02 pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2011 diratifikasi oleh notaris Siti Maryam Muchtar W, SH.
  • SK Menkumham AHU-0023913.AH.01.09 TAHUN 2012 tanggal 19 Maret 2012
  • KBLI : 46620 Perdagangan Besar Logam Bijih Logam
  • NIB : 27052200530140001
  • IUP OP : 27052200530140001
  • AQC Certification Indonesia ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018

Core Business

It encompasses the central products, services, or industry sectors that form the essential foundation of a company's operations and strategic objectives.

  • 2012 - 2019 : Trading in coal and Palm shells
  • 2019 - 2020 : Tin mining
  • 2021 - Present : Nickel Trade

Drop us a line

For any kind of query, contact us with the details below.

  • 021-27841485
  • admin@rigel-resources.com
  • Soverign Plaza Lantai 8, Jl. TB Simatupang No. 36 Jakarta Selatan 12430

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